
Covid Check Mobile App

 Covid Check App


Step 1 Project Goals:

  • Create an easy to use experience for finding and scheduling COVID-19 testing

  • Make it apparent what type of test each site offered, the hours they were open, and if it was in-person, drive-thru, take-home test, etc.

  • Keep users updated on COVID-19 news and statistics for their area.

  • Provide an easy-to-use to use the questionnaire.

  • Delight the user with a clean and modern UI.

  • Become the #1 app for finding medical tests in the US.

Step 2 understanding the user:

I took some time doing research and trying to understand the user. The demographic is everyone. However, given the age range of those who use applications, I primarily focused on ages 20-40 since those are the ones most comfortable with using mobile devices. I also curated some possible user personas that you can see below.


Step 3 Research:

I then took some time to view other appointment scheduling apps, medical apps, and inspiration from dribble. I took aspects of them and wrote down what I liked and what I didn’t like. I also jotted down what experiences I would need and what was necessary.

Step 4: Wireframes

Through my research and understanding of the user, I took these ideas and made for high-fidelity wireframes. I had designed a sign-in, updates, questionnaire, appointment creation, confirmation, and test results screen. once I had the wireframes where I wanted them I then moved on to creating a style guide.


Step 5 Style Guide:

I decided to select a blue color palette that was fairly neutral because blue is a trusting color and is often utilized in the medical field. I kept the typography simple and legible as well as making sure the UI elements were fat-fingered friendly and high contrast.


Step 6 Final Design/UI

Finally, I was able to do my favorite part and make the app come to life by adding all the colors, fonts, interactions, etc. I decided to keep the design simple and with high contrast for readability. I also ensured that anything that needed to be clicked was “fat finger-friendly” I also kept in mind to keep side scroll bars to make it easy for older users to understand that more information exists.