
Plant Life Eats Logo Case Study

 Plant Life Eats Logo Case Study


The client is a new vegan meal prep and delivery company in the Seattle Region called Plant Life Eats they want a professional looking logo that will appeal to their vegan customer base that is primarily between the ages of 25-40. This company offers 100% plant based meals that are fresh and never frozen that fit any budget. They pride themselves in a zero hassle subscriptions and top notch customer service. 

Step 1: Research

After one research I took at look at logos from other meal service companies in the Seattle area to get a sense of the competition they were up against as well as larger companies such as Sun Basket, Purple Carrot, Hello Fresh and more. From that I began sketching some initial ideas.


Step 2: Sketches

When I was sketching I approached it from a more illustrative perspective. I wanted something clean and simple that would stand out amongst the crowd of mostly typeface logos. I also wanted to create some sort of image that could be used for the future in a website, business cards, social media account, etc. Since this is a plant based meal delivery service designing something that would work in the digital space as well as in print was important to me. I then took those sketches and further refined them using Adobe Illustrator, I selected fonts from Google Fonts based on the notes I suggested in the sketches.


Step 3: Feedback

I showed the logo choices to some of my peers/friends and received feedback from them. For this particular project I used social media to get comments and feedback on my logos. I purposely always show logos in black and white in this part of the process because I don’t want people to be swayed by color I want them to pay attention to the design and select a logo based on that. Some people commented what they liked and others commented edits or reasons why they liked a particular option. All feedback was valid and taken into consideration.


Step 4: Select Options for the Client

Based on the feedback I received from friends/peers I noticed that A,C and F were strong contenders and my personal favorite was D so I showed those options to the client. The client had some small changes that I happily made, I also asked the client for some color suggestions and they had some strong opinions on color and they sent me hex #’s of shades of green that they liked.


Step 5:Final Delivery

The client ended up selecting the first option, they then asked me to tweak the logo slightly to make Eats larger so it didn’t look like an afterthought. I obliged made that change along with their favorite color selection and this is the final result. I mocked up the logo on a delivery bag in my final presentation as good measure. Overall the client was pleased with the result and as there business grows they plan to reach out with more work.
